Prosti's Mind Stuff






A missed Period. NOT MINE!

2004-03-13 at 8:30 p.m.

Hey, Danny (who is a virgin, by the way. Go DANNY! GO DANNY!)

It's probable you missed your period because of stress. I still think you should go into the doctor just to get everything checked out. If you've always been regular like that, something seems not right to me. And you're having cramping too? I dunno. I would take my daughter in to make sure. It's probably absolutely nothing, but hey, doesn't hurt to go in and get everything checked out. Are you eating regularly too? When a person is stressed out, I mean way stressed out, they tend not to eat. And if you're really skinny OR you're very athletic, that could be the problem. I know girls who are really involved in sports can stop having it.

**Add-on. Just an afterthought. I'm sure it's nothing, however just because you're young doesn't cut out the chance that it could be something medical, ya know? And I mean medical and nothing really serious. I started my period at the age of 12 and was just like you, very regular. If I had missed it, it would have been really unusual.

You know, I didn't ask you if you wanted this posted on here, but usually when I do this, you'll get a lot of response from people.

****Please come and post a comment. Most of the 14 comments are from me about html stuff.

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