
CG - 2004-03-14 22:14:18
I think the best way to get rid of the smoke smell is to move out ;)
prosti - 2004-03-14 23:30:03
But we just moved in! Damn it all. I didn't notice it when we looked at the house.
tithonus - 2004-03-14 23:58:21
If your cat pisses in the house, it will cover the smoke smell with something even stronger. ;)
Danielle - 2004-03-15 14:14:38
If you put a small cup of open vinager in the room it may soak up the smell.
Jill - 2004-03-15 17:03:00
My roomie got this thing called an air sponge at a local pet store, and those suck up all the smells, even mold.

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